PSA Security Network (PSA)
PSA Security Network (PSA) is the world’s largest electronic security cooperative representing security system integrators. By combining purchasing power, resources of large vendor groups with the strengths and personal attention to detail of locally owned companies, PSA system integrators improve security performance through their access to the latest electronic security products, education, certifications, best practices and other resources to develop cost-effective security solutions. This organization encompasses more than 200 electronic security systems integrators, aligning them with over 200 vendor partners.
National Security Integrators (NSI)
National Security Integrators (NSI) is a closely knit group of privately held electronic security integrators located throughout the United States. The impetus behind the creation of NSI was the need to provide high-quality consistent security services for companies with regional offices throughout the United States. NSI members provide the one key ingredient to any service relationship that makes a difference, personal services. Smaller entrepreneurial firms provide better customer service because it’s the owner’s reputation on the line. With NSI, not only do you receive that incredibly high level of customer service, but you receive it on a national basis.
Smart Card Alliance
SCI holds certification in the Smart Card Alliance – Certified System ICAM PACS (CSEIP) Engineering. The CSEIP Engineer ICAM PACS certification program provides advanced training for systems engineers to align with government-wide specifications. To ensure that procurements of approved E-PACS for GSA managed facilities are installed properly, GSA requires that all billable work performed on such systems be done using certified system engineers. This comprehensive program provides the necessary training to demonstrate the ability to efficiently and effectively implement PKI and federal ICAM architectures for E-PACS and meet all federal requirements.
ISNetworld Consortium
SCI is proud to announce affiliation with the audited program certification and membership in the ISNetworld Consortium. ISN is the global leader in contractor and supplier management. ISN takes pride in leading efforts to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of contractor management systems and in serving as a forum for sharing industry best practices among members. ISN’s Health, Safety, Environmental, and Quality Review and Verification Services facilitates the collection of relevant documents for contractor qualifications in workplace and environmental safety compliance.
SCI, Inc. Supports Exceptional Customers.
University of New Mexico
PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT 2218-20 to provide Enterprise Network Access Control per the Request for Proposal Award and the Higher Education Community Vendor Assessment Toolkit (HECVAT). Contact SCI directly for services and support.
City of Albuquerque
CALB – SCI Master Agreement for Monitoring of Security Systems. Contract Description: Maintenance and Monitoring Services. Contact SCI directly for services and support.
State of New Mexico
PRICE AGREEMENT 10-00000-21-00100 Statewide Price Agreement to provide Electronic Components, Cable, CCVE & Electronic Test Equipment for all State of New Mexico Agencies, Commissions, Institutions, Political Sub-divisions and Local Public Bodies allowed by law. Contact SCI directly for services and support.
State of New Mexico
PRICE AGREEMENT 00-00000-20-00093AO Statewide Price Agreement to provide Low Voltage Systems and Related Services for all State of New Mexico Agencies, Commissions, Institutions, Political Sub-divisions and Local Public Bodies allowed by law. Contact SCI directly for services and support.
SCI has partnered with leading electronic security suppliers to help provide our clients with products to best meet their needs.
Software House
Software House solutions are the hands-down choice for security critical applications. In fact, nearly half of the companies listed on the Fortune 500 use Software House branded solutions to help solve their most complex business operation challenges. SCI holds Factory Authorization and Certification for the Software House products, in addition to representing the full product line in government, education, and utility contract schedules.
FLIR/DVTel is the pioneer and dominant market player in the creation, development, and delivery of Multi-source Intelligence Systems over IP networks. SCI holds Factory Authorization and Certification for the FLIR/DVTel products, in addition to representing the full product line in government, education, and utility contract schedules.
Maxxess Systems
Maxxess Systems delivers innovative SaaS and security management software solutions that combine otherwise disparate physical security, communications, business intelligence and data integration capabilities onto one unified management platform. SCI holds Factory Authorization and Certification, in addition to representing the full line in government, education, and utility contract schedules.
AMAG Technology
AMAG Technology is a leading manufacturer of security management systems for the commercial and government markets. SCI holds Factory Authorization and Certification for the AMAG products, in addition to representing the full product line in government, education, and utility contract schedules.
ECAMSecure is a leading manufacturer of Mobile Surveillance Units that provide a flexible surveillance solution, with energy efficient LED outdoor lighting, solar panels for clean operation, and an environmentally-friendly diesel generator to recharge on-board batteries. SCI holds Factory Authorization and Certification, in addition to representing the full line in government, education, and utility contract schedules.
Corrections Technology Group (CTG)
Corrections Technology Group (CTG) is a service organization specializing in detention electronics system, software, service and repair. SCI holds Factory Authorization for Corrections Technology Group products, in addition to representing these products in government, education, and utility contract schedules.
HID powers the trusted identities of the world’s people, places and things, making it possible for people to transact safely, work productively, and travel freely, with products that open doors, access digital networks, verify transactions, track assets and connect with others—ensuring their identities are seamlessly accepted, anywhere, anytime. SCI represents the full product line in government, education, and utility contract schedules.
PSA Security Network®
PSA Security Network® is the world’s largest electronic security cooperative. SCI has been a participating Member Owner of PSA since 1972.
The Lynx System
The Lynx System is a facility-wide, network based, duress and emergency notification system. SCI holds Factory Authorization and Certification for the Lynx products, in addition to representing the full product line in government, education, and utility contract schedules.
Digital Security Controls Ltd
Digital Security Controls Ltd. is an industry leader in the design and manufacture of electronic intrusion alarm products. SCI holds Factory Authorization and Certification for DSC products, in addition to representing these products in government, education, and utility contract schedules.
Brivo Systems
Brivo Systems is the original cloud-based access control solution, providing a comprehensive physical security solution, with a simpler way to manage and understand spaces. Manage all your assets in one place, protect your buildings, employees, visitors, customers, residents, and data, and minimize Cyber vulnerabilities.
Eagle Eye Networks
Eagle Eye Networks leads the world in delivering true cloud video surveillance systems incorporating AI, Analytics and other big data technologies. Manage your business anywhere, anytime, on any device, no matter how you grow or your needs change, Eagle Eye Networks will support you.